Hyderabad, January 07, 2025…….Abhyasa International Residential School, a 28-year-old boutique boarding school to organise a Mega Theatre Play Samvidhan@75 at Shilpa Kala Vedika at 4 pm on 10th January.
It will be a 90-minute opera involving all the 400 students of the school. The Mega Skit to be performed involving so many students on a single stage is something rare and to be admired.
Abhyasa School is known for Mega Annual Cultural theatre performances. Theatre plays of the school in the past became the talk of Bollywood, Tollywood and Hyderabad’s Theater & Cultural Circles. Each time they schedule their annual day, they set a record, probably as the largest stage performance ever by any school in the country,
The opera traces the history of India from 5000 BCE to the present times, when the Indian Constitution turns 75 years old and the Indian Republic will be attaining 75 years on the 26th of January 2025. The opera is planned ahead of this milestone occasion.
Ancient Indians created a balanced & prosperous society, often referred to as the ‘Golden Age of Bharata Varsha’, wherein wealth was generated righteously and utilised for the collective growth of all! Even the goal of every human then, was not the accumulation of wealth but rather the liberation of the soul! However, this equilibrium began to shift with the advent of invaders in India and the confluence of cultures! Over time, these external influences shifted the people’s focus from service orientation towards accumulation & materialism! This event had profound implications on the Indian social fabric, which includes a current obsession among Indians to study abroad.
The school every year conducts its cultural nite on a ‘contemporary theme’ which is aesthetically creative and socially educative, not only for the students and parents of the school but our society at large.
Some of the mega operas planned in the past were ‘Anna Hazare’s Anti-Corruption Campaign’ in 2012, ‘100 Years of Indian Cinema’ in 2013, ‘Swatch Bharath Movement’ in 2016, ‘Dance of Democracy’ in 2019, and ‘Idea of Ram Rajya’ in 2024, just to name a few. These exemplary operas presented by Abhyasa students, wherein every student gets to participate in the program under the principle of ‘No Child Left Behind’, have won accolades from all quarters