Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

In the New Year 2025, Indian girls can choose real diamonds instead of expensive phones.

Here are 10 reasons why they should make choose differently in the new year.

Expensive phones get old every year and have to be replaced by a new one whereas real diamonds are forever.

Every natural diamond is uniquely formed in the mines or earth’s surface as compared to expensive phones, which are made in bulk in factories.

Real Diamonds are nurtured as family heirlooms and passed on from generation to generation as a symbol of family legacy. Expensive phones do not enjoy such a status unless they are embellished with diamonds and precious stones.

A real diamond can never be damaged as it is the hardest substance on earth whereas expensive phones have high maintenance.

Real Diamonds have healing properties and radiate positivity compared to the harmful radiation of expensive phones.

You can propose with a real diamond but not with an expensive phone. Yes Indian girls will soon start following their American counterparts who have started proposing to their partners with diamonds (instead of waiting for the partner to give them a diamond ring).

Real Diamonds can be fashioned/styled as per your choice and & are available in different shapes & sizes. Expensive phones only come in standard shapes and sizes.

If the expensive phone is stolen, you can let go of it and replace it but real diamonds are irreplaceable.

You can embed a real diamond in an expensive phone design but cannot embed a phone in a diamond.

Real Diamonds can be worn on your body as adornments but expensive phones cannot be worn.

Real Diamond prices have fallen making them more affordable while expensive phones keep getting more and more expensive year after year.

Girls can also choose colored real diamonds which are getting more and more popular among GenZ. Such fancy colored diamonds in different shapes are becoming more valuable than ever before.

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