Crack Academy, India’s first EdTech platform for UPSC Civil Services and other government exams, is bringing its highly anticipated Sarkari Naukri Mela to Patran. Scheduled for 4th January 2025 , the event will take place at Eureka Institute, opposite Sandhu Hospital, Chunagra Road, Patran , starting 10 AM onwards . This transformative event is designed to provide aspiring candidates with expert guidance and actionable strategies to ace their government job exams and embark on a fulfilling career in public service.
The Sarkari Naukri Mela promises to be a one-of-a-kind event that bridges the gap between students’ ambitions and the reality of cracking competitive exams. Attendees will gain access to exclusive insights from top educators and mentors on cracking exams like UPSC, SSC, Banking, Railways, and more. The event will include dynamic workshops where participants will learn exam-specific strategies, answer-writing techniques, and methods to approach high-pressure scenarios effectively.
Neeraj Kansal, Founder and CEO of Crack Academy, shares his vision for the event: “Government job exams are a gateway to a secure and impactful career, but preparation can often feel overwhelming. Through the Sarkari Naukri Mela, we aim to simplify the journey by equipping aspirants with clear guidance, innovative strategies, and confidence to succeed. This event is not just about preparation—it’s about inspiring students to dream big and providing them with the tools to achieve those dreams.”
With limited spots available, registrations are being accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Crack Academy’s Sarkari Naukri Mela in Patran is the perfect opportunity for government job aspirations to take their dreams to the next level.